Effectively communicating your message to the public is essential to any company or organsiation. The language you use in your industry or profession might not be easily understood by the public. In my communications consultancy projects I ensure that the message that you want to get across is presented in a way that the target audience can understand.
Some projects I have undertaken have included copywriting and editing the Annual Reports of the Chief Medical Officer for Wales, which involved presenting complex information and data to a diverse audience, from health professionals to lay people.
I was also responsible for media relations for the E.coli Public Inquiry chaired by Professsor Hugh Pennington, held in 2008/2009 into the outbreak of E.coli O157 in South Wales in 2005. As well as dealing with all media enquiries relating to the Public Inquiry I also helped with writing and proofreading the final report.
In 2011 I was asked by the Minister for Heritage for the Welsh Government to copywrite and edit the draft Welsh Language Strategy, A Living Language, A Language for Living.
Amongst my communications training projects was one undertaken for the Indian Government Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Eight senior officials from the Ministry came to Cardiff and London to learn about government communications and public service broadcating models in the UK. As a trainer for the Thomson Foundation I organised the training schedule, arranged several meetings with key industry professionals and facilitated the whole 10 day course.
It was a well co-ordinated workshop as far as content and presentation was concerned. A great learning experience This training was an eye opener for me. Such training should be imparted to all officials on a regular basis. The most interesting part of the course was a very good mix of theory and visits to sites where we were taken around the relevant places. Our training was really excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire stay. Comments from senior officials of the Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting |